Lottery for $1k/month Bushwick one-bedrooms isn’t even that great a deal

A rendering of 810 Flushing Ave. by Charles Mallea Architect via New York YIMBY

Like, yeah, $1,039/month for a one-bedroom in a freshly constructed Bushwick building with a roof deck and fitness center is a good deal, but it’s not a great deal. A great deal is when you live in a two-bedroom for $700/month and it’s not a block from JFK, windowless and full of fire ants. A great deal is, generally, under $1k/month for a relatively sane amount of space. If this article had been titled “Lottery for $500/month Bushwick one-bedrooms” it would likely get a lot more clicks because that would be a great deal. But $1,000/month? Meh.

The decent deal in question is probably beyond your reach anyway, seeing as it is guarded by Mayor de Blasio’s Cerberus, aka an affordable housing lottery system. This lottery has nine one-bedrooms available for one- to two-person households making between $35,623 and $45,840 annually.


The units are in 810 Flushing Ave., a building a block from Woodhull Hospital and within drunk-walking distance of all the bright lights and bars of Williamsburg. It’s also barely a block from the Flushing Ave. M, J and Z trains.

Per usual, a percentage of units is set aside for applicants with mobility, hearing or vision disabilities and preference for 50 percent of the units will be given to Brooklyn Community Board 4 residents and five percent for Municipal employees. The lottery opened to application today and will remain open through September 25 at midnight.

Don’t be scammed: There’s never a broker’s fee for these lotteries and you should apply through NYC Housing Connect.

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Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.