A CSA for the commitment-phobic Brooklynite

Fruit? Share! Via Local Roots NYC.

If your idea of eating local is a Devil Dog and Sprite purchased at the bodega down the street, you need some schoolin’ from your local CSA. But if the fear of paying for a whole season where all you get is a box of turnips ever week, you should try Local Roots NYC. Local Roots tweaks the traditional CSA format: For one, you can buy shares of various different products such as bread or fruit instead of being forced to buy the veggies; Two, it offers a flexible payment schedule so you don’t have to pay for the whole season up front. Not only do they provide the standard CSA fare such as veggie, fruit and egg shares from local organic farms, they also have what’s called a “Brooklyn Share,” which features a rotation of artisanal Brooklyn-made products for you to pick up every week, such as Brooklyn Soda Works, Rick’s Picks and Ovenly. 

Local Roots is now accepting applications for the Summer 2012 season of CSAs from until May 21.

In addition to the regular full shares that serve 3-4 people, half shares that feed one to two people are available for those of us who don’t have children or live in co-op houses. Prices run from $151 for a full veggie share to $27 for an egg half share.

With pick-up locations in all of the trendy Brooklyn neighborhoods (Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Carroll Gardens and Boerum Hill) , you have no excuse not to eat truly local food!

Follow Rachel: @RachelEveStein.

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