Lit Crawl is coming back to Brooklyn, and you can help plan it!

Last year’s Lit Crawl stopped at the Zombie Hut. Where will it go this time? Via FB.

Last year, San Francisco’s beloved Litquake finally brought its huge, free and fairly prestigious Lit Crawl to Brooklyn, which  was long overdue seeing as Brooklyn loves books like SF loves saying “hella.” If you missed last year’s event (seeing as it was one of the busiest weekends ever), which featured Amy Sohn, Mark Haddon and many others doing readings in groovy bars, bookstores and shops, fear not, because it’s coming back on May 18! Planning is underway so we don’t know who will be there yet, but the organizers are looking for your suggestions of bars in the Carroll Gardens/Cobble Hill area (arguably the most literary quadrant of the borough?) where events can be held. And there’s more!

Other ways to get involved: You can also help curate the crawl, or volunteer during the event, which will likely put you in proximity of some juicy literary brains on which you can feed. Details:

Curate! If you’re a lit mag, publisher, reading series (or other cool group) wanting to participate in Lit Crawl BK or Lit Crawl NYC, we want to hear from you! Email infoNYC@litcrawl.org for more information.

 Sponsor! Writers, did you know that you can support Lit Crawl and promote your book at the same time? Your $30 author sponsor donation will promote Lit Crawl NYC’s fantastic programming—and we’ll promote your book cover on our website.

Volunteer! Lit Crawl NYC is also always looking for volunteers to assist with Lit Crawl NYC. Get in touch with our volunteer coordinator by clicking here.
Tim Donnelly :