1. Saw Her Stand-Up There is giving a night to dudes, so we can finally hear some jokes from guys in the female-dominated world of standup comedy (Monday)
2. See who in Brooklyn can make the best bloody mary, but mostly get drunk and eat spicy food at the Bloody Mary Mixdown at Beast of Bourbon (Monday)
3. Halyards is turning three, and to celebrate, they’re giving out free beer. Please note it’s not appropriate to give a three-year-old human free beer on her birthday (Tuesday)
4. Manifesto at People’s Republic of Brooklyn is giving comedy back to the people with a revolution of laughter, and will feature jokes from Kendra Cunningham, one of our favorite bartenders (Tuesday)
5. The Masters of Social Gastronomy will educate you on the spicy side of life: sriracha, Ghost Peppers and the Guatemalan insanity pepper. OK, maybe not that last one (Tuesday)
6. The time of the month for variety show Backfat is here, and if they’re braving the polar vortex to put on a show, you should brave it to watch a show (Tuesday)
7. Sit in on a conversation about Deji Olukotun’s Nigerians in Space, because it’s always good to hear about people’s predictions for what will happen on the moon (Wednesday)
8. Learn the history of how we’ve dealt with color, and how it hasn’t always been so black and white, at a Brooklyn Public Philosophers lecture from Zed Adams (Wednesday)
9. Launchpad is celebrating Black History Month with a multimedia evening of music, film and presentations about artists making a mark on the world today. Because history doesn’t have to be boring (Wednesday)
10. Jolie Kerr, the internet’s official “Clean Person” is coming to powerHouse to celebrate the launch of her book My Boyfriend Barfed in My Handbag…and Other Things You Can’t Ask Martha (Wednesday)
11. That weird statue of Kurt Cobain just went up in Aberdeen, so it’s as good a time as any to go see The Nevermind Orchestra, the world’s only New Orleans-style brass band Nirvana cover band, at Spike Hill (Thursday)
12. Videology is screening A Hard Day’s Night, so you relive the days when your mothers screamed like banshees for The Beatles. Your mom might say she didn’t, but she’s lying to you (Thursday)
13. JD Samson is coming back to Union Pool for Pat 8, which like Pats 1 – 7, is a DJ night she puts together that takes over both rooms of the bar (Thursday)
14. You’ve felt like you deserve an award just for going through the bullshit motions of your bullshit life, and you can finally get one for that exact reason at the Lisa’s Choice Awards at the Pine Box Rock Shop (Friday)
15. If you missed Har Mar Superstar’s soulful howl last time he played the Knitting Factory for free, you’re in luck, because he’s back this week (Friday)