Laugh at your V-Day blues at Tell Your Friends With Benefits

Lots to laugh at here
Lots to laugh at here

Valentine’s Day. You have to laugh to keep from crying/breaking your toe in a drunken rampage against Brooklyn’s newspaper boxes. Why stay at home with a bottle of Night Train when you can head to the Bell House and laugh with some awesome Brooklyn comics, including Hannibal Burress and Todd Barry, at the Fifth Annual Tell Your Friends With Benefits? Just sneak the Night Train in with you in your bag.

Aside from Burress and Barry, TYFWB will feature Last Comic Standing breakout Niki Glaser, rock and roll ventriloquist Carla Rhodes, which ups the weirdness level a few notches. And if in your Night Train slugging-daze you meet eyes with a cutie, country blues duo Eden and John’s East River String Band will provide a musical backdrop for you to dance drunkenly sway along with your arms draped over each other’s shoulders. This will probably sell out fast, especially since we’ve done exactly like the title of the show suggets and told our friends, so grab your ticket now.

Tell Your Friends With Benefits, 8pm, Wednesday, February 13, The Bell House, 149 7th Street, Gowanus, $15

David Colon :