Hey frustrated fiction writers: are you sick of writing stories and making no money, ever? Of course you are! Slaving away at the patent office or slinging fish heads at Trader Joe’s, it’s no way for a creative professional to make a living. Fortunately, if you’ve got a story lying around and unpublished, The Literarian might give you a cool one thousand dollars for it, if they like it a lot.
The Literarian Short Story Contest is run by the Center for Fiction, and closes its doors tonight at midnight. It’s open to any previously unpublished story story that’s 5000 words or less. As long as you’ve never been published inThe Literarian before, your story is eligible to be picked as either the winner, which gets you a $1000 prize and publication in the magazine, or as one of two finalists, which gets you $100 and the potential to be published. Hey, even a “maybe” is better than slinging fisheads, huh? The small print is that it does cost $15 to enter, but you have to believe in your art a little bit! Or just steal fifteen bucks from your roommate while she’s not looking.*
*Don’t really do that