Party with small publishers and celebrated BK authors at Greenlight Bookstore tonight!

Party like a book, party like a bookstore
Party like a book, party like a bookstore

Friday’s finally here, which means Sunday’s just a hop-skip away. But don’t turn your brain off just yet: you’ll need it for all the literary schmoozing you’ll be doing at the Brooklyn Book Festival on Sunday! We’ve already rounded up the best of the festival, and told you about great bars for reading in. Now, it’s time to tell you how to party like the true liberal arts college graduate that you are, or might have been.

Greenlight Bookstore is kicking off the festival with a “Brooklyn-sized” bash tonight. Considering the size of the borough, we’re pretty sure that means big. And if you’re the kind of discerning individual who prefer dancing among like-minded intellectuals, then this is definitely your scene. 

The bookstore’s 6th annual Indie Party is a “celebration of literary independence” featuring some of the borough’s best small press, from Archipelago to Ugly Duckling, powerHouse to Tin House. Choice indie mags like BOMB and Sixpenny will also be in attendance (the full list of participating magazines and presses is available here). It’s sure to be a night of revelry and chicanery, performed at a reasonable volume.

You’ll also have the chance to enter to win a gift basket that includes a book from every organization in attendance, which might just provide the fodder for your next foray in self-publishing. That, and good subway reading. So join the literati tonight at Greenlight Bookstore (686 Fulton Street) at 7:30pm! Bring your Moleskine.

Sam Corbin :Writer and performer based in Brooklyn. Made in Canada.