Join the Prospect Park Alliance and get two GoogaMooga tix for free

You’ll still probably wait on this line forever. (via flickr user WarmSleepy)

If you’re like me, you were subject to the the sharp, bitter sting of rejection today when an email popped into your inbox informing you that, no, after nine days of post-registration waiting, angst and anxiety, you have NOT been selected to receive free tickets to next month’s Great GoogaMooga event. Don’t cry though: if you become a member of the Prospect Park Alliance, they’ll give you two free tickets on either May 18th or 19th. Now you won’t have to spend the weekend  hoping the organizers haven’t actually worked out all the kinks that turned last year’s Mooga into a big ol’ mess, or that your ticket-holding friends find themselves trapped get swallowed by a freak Prospect Park sinkhole. Nor will you have to pay for a $55 ticket to Friday’s show or volunteer to get in on Saturday or Sunday.

The bad news is, the tickets do come at the cost of a $35 membership (at the lowest “Friend” rung — membership dues can go all the way up to $1,500 for high ranking “Prospect Partners). But on the bright side, think of all those tiny slices of Motorino pizza, miniature Luke’s Lobster rolls, Porchetta bite samples and cups of Sixpoint you’ll have! Plus, you’ll get cool giveaways like a Prospect Park aluminum water bottle and a map of Prospect Park, and your dues will help keep the park looking fresh and clean even after it’s trampled by thousand of wild GoogaMooga-goers. You can join online, or mail in an application [pdf] if you prefer; now stop bitching on Twitter, and get ready to Mooga your little hearts out, people.

Rebecca Fishbein :

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