Indulge in some prom-com: Enter your prom pics for a $1,000 prize

Prom is pretty much the most overrated high school experience ever, and even those of us who had the event at the most infamous prom venue in all of New Jersey have pretty crappy memories of it. Now we all live in Brooklyn, where the nerd class of high school reins supreme, and we get to look back on those awful prom memories with a wistful sense of triumph. As such, New York Magazine is holding a contest for the best (worst?) prom photos. If you win, besides internet fame — and the chance to humiliate your date who now has four kids, a Marlboro-Reds addiction and works in a Friendly’s — you can win a $1,000 shopping spree! Enter by Tuesday, full details below. 

Via NY Mag:

Ah, prom. Whether it was a carefree night of dancing or a drama-filled hormone fest, it probably made for some great stories — and even better pictures. That’s why from now until June 4, we’re collecting your old prom pictures in our Prom-A-Rama contest on Facebook. Whether you went last year or last century, we want to see it all: the cake-shaped dresses, the terrible updos, the color-coordinated corsages, and the flashy cummerbunds. We’ll select our eighteen favorite photos and, on June 5, will open the floor to you, our Facebook fans, to vote on the best one.

What’s in it for you? Well, besides Internet fame (infamy?), there’s a chance to win a $1,000 shopping spree at the retailer of your choice. Two more winners will be selected by us as Editors’ Picks, and they’ll each walk away with a $100 gift card. So, dust off those high school yearbooks and head over to The Cut’sFacebook page.

(Just to clarify: while my prom date is not actually fat and be-childrened, we really did have our prom at the prom baby place. New Jersey!!)

Tim Donnelly :