Hot scoop: Ikea food truck bringing free meatballs to Brooklyn all week

Ikea is giving out free meatballs all week at select locations throughout Brooklyn. Photo via @ikea_brooklyn on Twitter

Forget the clean lines, uniform aesthetic, and seamless assembly of the sterile-chic furniture supplier; for many Ikea shoppers, the Swedish meatballs are the real draw. But unless you live in Red Hook, or your big romantic move is bringing dates to play house in a reenactment of the quirky-cutesy-grating scene from 50 Days of Summer, you probably only hit up Ikea once or twice a year, at the most.

That means you’re only eating Swedish meatballs once or twice a year at the most! But, as a small summer treat, and a pretty straight forward promotion, Ikea Brooklyn is parking their food truck at select locations throughout Brooklyn and giving out free meatballs all week!

Yesterday, we spotted them at Grand Army Plaza, parked right in front of the Brooklyn Central Library. Follow @ikea_brooklyn and the hashtag #togetherweeat on Twitter to track their whereabouts over the next few days.

Yesterday, the truck was parked in front of the Central Library all day. Photo via @ikea_brooklyn on Twitter

Here’s what we heard: today, from noon to 8pm, they’ll be parked at Nassau and Guernsey in Williamsburg, adjacent to Spritzenhaus. Tomorrow, they’ll set up over in DUMBO at 28 Old Fulton, just a few blocks from Brooklyn Bridge Park, and on Friday, at 29 Hanson Place, right across from Atlantic Terminal. And on Saturday, it looks like they’ll be set up for the Digable Planets/Camp Lo Celebrate Brooklyn concert in Prospect Park.

They’re serving three meatballs an order: a buffalo chicken bite, veggie California stack, and the original Swedish, which are beef. We only just realized it, but now we know for sure: the next best thing to an ice cream truck has to be a meatball truck.

Kate Mooney :