Foodstock or fatpocalypse? If you missed GoogaMooga, here’s a 9-word recap: Saturday sucked, Sunday better, yay for Hall and Oates. Of course there’s much more to say about the Moog, where depression-era food lines put a damper on things on Saturday. The early bad buzz may have led to thinner the crowds for Sunday, reducing beer lines to two hours. (Guestimate!) Tell us your war stories, your harrowing encounters with the porta potties, your hookups (and we don’t mean that fried chicken banh mi), and where you ate afterwards. And if you didn’t make it to the Moog, don’t sweat it! What did you do? Litquake reports especially welcome.
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the more i think about it, seems pretty insensitive to serve foie gras and roast ducks for a park where they killed all the geese. what's next robin burgers? too much disconnect in general. i saw a lot of no smoking signs, and trees getting smoked out by roasted animals cooking. at least the music was good but the beer was so overpriced. it's raining now which sucks if there's a lot of garbage left over it could wash down to the lake. so many people i saw had no idea where they were, how were they supposed to? i am left wondering if the public had any say in the decision to bring this festival here. im cool with celebrate brooklyn and a lot of other events but this was just too much. prospect park just seems too delicate for this, and it's pretty inconsiderate to people who just want to throw a frisbee or walk the dog to privatize the park like this. events like this are what they did all that work to governor's island for.
What do you mean privitize the park? Prospect park is huge, so much of the park was untouched by this festival. On the way in there were people everywhere enjoying the park without being at the festval. Oh no they served foie gras how dare they. Stop crying.
Peelander Z never disappoints. Not sure what could top the red dude shredding atop the roof of port-a-john.
the only thing that could top peelander-z? LEZ ZEPPELIN!! Made my whole week. Hall and Oates had a tough time following that ; ) Sunday was awesome.
I guess everybody missed the fact that if you volunteer for one 1/2 day shift, you get $50 worth of free food/drink vouchers. I worked 2 shifts, didn't spend a dime, and never waited in a line longer than 30 minutes--- anyone who waited any longer is a fool. For all the cry babies out there, I sure saw a hell of a lot of people enjoying themselves both days.
I was there both days. Arrived around 3pm Saturday, waited a loooooong time for food the first time through the lines. Made a second food run around 5:30 and found it much quicker, but with fewer options. Didn't even bother with alcohol because we heard the line just to get ID checked was an hour, and the lines at the drink stands were equally bad.
Arrived earlier Sunday, got ID checked right away, got most of our high-priority food items out of the way before peak hours, then had a few drinks and whiled away the afternoon. By midafternoon, a LOT of the vendors in the main beer pavilion were sold out.
That was really our main frustration - waaaaay too many of the vendors sold out of things. Come on, you know there were going to be 40,000 people each day. FREEZE MORE BANANAS.
Arrived Saturday at 2:00.
Here's the sequence: wait in line for 10 to 15 minutes to get to the entrance, then you wait in line 30 minutes to get an ID bracelet (and I am 45 f*cking years old for chr*ssakes). Then you are told that you cannot buy beer with cash, but have to go find a special string of tickets, which means you wait in another line. You also can't use anything but "approved" containers to have beer in, so had to buy a special glass in order to be served. So now we were four lines in, and haven't been served a single beer or molecule of food yet. The lines for beer and food were something like 20 minutes to half an hour, so from the front gate to plastic plate and cup, we are talking six lines, and probably the better part of two hours of waiting. The food selection was amazing, but it became simply tantalizingly goofy after a stretch because you couldn't get to ANY of it. And they sold tickets to this thing, so they knew how many people were coming, so vendors running out of beer and food after a few hours seemed...odd. Those intrepid and patient enough to wait to the end of the lines discovered that the charges were approximately $6 for a "taste," and much more for something that looked like a plate. Now, I happen to know another area festival where you can get food--typically in larger portions and almost right away – it's called the city of New York.
We left without any food. Holy Toledo!
You suck at life.