Categories: Outings

Hey girl, just mark your calendar now for the Feminist Ryan Gosling party

Hey girl, you going to finish that free glass of wine?

Like every good Tumblr, the meme-sensation Feminist Ryan Gosling by Danielle Henderson got a book deal. And it’s celebrating that with a party at Word Housing Works in Soho on Aug. 2. Greenpoint’s Word bookstore will be on hand selling books. It is unclear if the event will feature readings from the book (has there ever been a live Tumblr reading?) or if it will just be an hour and a half of staring longingly at pictures of R-Gos imaging his handsome brain processing Simone de Beauvoir essays. But either way, there will be free drinks provided by Tumblr, which Word calls “the most feminist blogging platform out there. No word on when the Park Slope Food Coop Ryan Gosling book is happening yet

Tim Donnelly :

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