Hey frugal foodies: Volunteer for TASTE to eat and drink for free

Taste-y delights at the 2011 TASTE fest.

As if the central theme of most of our lives here in Brooklyn was not constant indulgence of our hunger for over-hyped cheflebrities and localicious dining experiences (pork buns before bills!), the end of summer is jammed with foodie events: Meatopia on Sept. 8, TASTE Williamsburg Greenpoint on Sept. 9, Le Fooding Sept. 19-23, Labor Day parties at Do-or-Dine and Roberta’s, others I’m sure. Wipe up the covetous drool, brokesters. You don’t have to decide between bills and food this month. TASTE is recruiting volunteers, and in exchange for each shift completed, you will receive a ticket worth four tastes and two drinks at the event. 

The third annual TASTE Williamsburg Greenpoint, on Sept. 9 from 1pm-5pm, takes over N. 11th between Kent and the Williamsburg Waterfront for a block party featuring 50+ local restaurants, wineries, and breweries (full list of vendors here) and live music curated by Brooklyn Bowl throughout the day.

For anyone interested in the Brooklyn foodie scene, this is the place to be. The who’s-who of Brooklyn lifestyle culture will be there rubbing elbows while snacking on pork and sipping craft beers. They need volunteers for various shifts on Saturday and Sunday Sept 8-9. Volunteer tasks include:

  • Street Team: Two-hour shifts on Saturdays and Sundays through Sept. 9th involving passing TASTE promo postcards at events like BK Flea, Smorgasburg, OSA concerts, etc.
  • Setup: Four-hour shifts on Saturday (9/8), the day before the event, involving setting up tents, tables, signage, etc.
  • Day Of: Four-hour shifts with the 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. shift involving helping with setup tasks and vendor orientation; the 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. shift involves taking tickets and providing assistance for vendors; the 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. shift is an on-call, as-needed volunteer shift; from 6 p.m – 10 p.m. volunteers will help with cleanup and breakdown

Sign up for a shift through our friends at Burned Green.

For those with cash to spend, TASTE is the speed-dating of dining out. Every restaurant you’d ever want to try in North Brooklyn will be there. Buy tickets here (three pricing tiers: TASTE WG (includes 6 food tastes and 4 complimentary drink tastes): $42.39; TASTES for Two (includes 12 food tastes and 8 complimentary drink tastes): $78.62; All You Can TASTE (per person only): $99.32).

Food ‘tastes’ are a 4oz appetizer portions. Drink ‘tastes’ are 3oz and include beer, wine, or specialty cocktails.
The event is a fundraiser with proceeds going towards completion of the Northside Town Hall Community and Cultural Center, which will serve as a permanent home for Neighbors Allied for Good Growth and People’s Firehouse Inc. The space will also be used for arts, cultural programming and community meeting space.
Rachel DeLetto :