Help fight cancer with a doggy hipster costume contest

Via flickr user jugarsan

If you’ve been yearning for the opportunity to put Rover on a fixie, or stick Lassie in jorts, a threadbare band tee and a flannel buttondown, well, today’s your lucky day: a hipster dog contest is coming to (duh) Greenpoint, and they’re calling for a whole bunch of doggies dolled up in ironic finery to compete.

Though the contest sounds pretty goofy, it is actually for a good cause: it’s being hosted by Bark for Life of Williamsburg and Greenpoint, a noncompetitive dog walk that raises funds to fight cancer. So if you want to help contribute, or if you just want to gawk at a bunch of puppies sporting American Apparel, head to McGolrick Park in Greenpoint this Sunday.

Registration is at 8am, and the festivities kick off at 9. Prizes will be awarded for the most fashionable dog, the best celebrity lookalike, best haircut, best trick and, of course, hippest dog; it costs $5 per category to register, and all proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. And if you’re planning to get your canine to compete, but need some inspiration, there are (sadly) plenty of online sites dedicated to doggies of the Warby Parker set.

Rebecca Fishbein :