Goodbye, beloved Eagle Clothes sign

The sign is coming down already. Photo via @RachelEveStein

Instagrammers across Brooklyn are mourning the loss of their second favorite sign, Third Avenue and Sixth Street’s Eagle Clothes. The once neon-lit sign currently adorns the top of U-Haul’s Park Slope location, and will be dismantled as they make way for an additional two floors. Maybe this will get people to reconsider how much stuff they really need to store.

U-Haul project manager (and apparently sign historian), David Pollack, explained to DNA Info that they made every effort to save the sign, including attempting to rally community members and local groups to aid in suggestions, after a number of roadblocks prevented U-Haul from replacing the sign atop the building addition. Shockingly, no one came forward, as everyone was in line for newer, hipper Douissants.

Pollack said they will keep the sign’s pieces and incorporate them into the new building, as they “pride themselves in reusing and restoring older buildings.”  We can all look forward to seeing the amputated pieces of the Eagle Clothes sign when the project is completed in the Spring of 2014.

The gloating Kentile Floors sign could not be reached for comment.

Vallen Leigh :