Go go gadget heart: 4 charitable Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns and one we just like

Just try to say no to this face. via Brooklyn’s Rescued Bestiary

When even your mother is emailing you about the popularity of Kickstarter (“Hey honey, I thought this would be a good moneymaking idea for you”) it’s now a viable way to fund your art. Here are some of the best, and most emotional, Kickstarter and Indie Go Go campaigns in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn’s Rescued Bestiary, a handmade letterpress book of stories and illustrations about animals rescued by the Sean Casey Animal Rescue, a no-kill shelter near Prospect Park. They even saved a two-headed turtle!

Because most female basketball tournaments are in Manhattan and New Jersey, Ballin’ Out Loud, a basketball organization for women, seeks to fund a tournament for high school girls in Brooklyn and, ultimately, a summer basketball camp for women of all ages.

And another one to tug at your heartstrings, Save the Band. Literally. Help save the music program at  I.S. 171, a middle school in Cypress Hills/East New York.

A documentary about the politics and origins of seeds called Open Sesame- The Story of Seeds. We can’t think of anything more Brooklyn, ever. But we’d totally watch it! Less than a day left to donate!

And something with no emotional or political attachment: a furniture store! Sean Hackett, a furniture designer is looking to open Kerf, a furniture store in Bushwick.

Sue Smith :suelovessnacks.com

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  • Please, someone with more than $85 in their bank account donate to Ballin' Out Loud.