$25-and-under Brooklyn gift #16: travel bottles

Picture 18There’s nothing a miser hates more than travel-size anything, ie., getting gauged for convenience’s sake. That’s why we dig GoToob, the endlessly refillable and stylish little bottles made of soft yet rugged silicone with a no-drip valve so you don’t have to unzip your dopp kit in fear of discovering goop everywhere. The 2-ounce bottles are approved for all airplane carry-ons, are food safe (FDA) and 100% BPA and PC-free. Plus, they just feel really nice and expensive-like, and there’s also a little suction cup attached, so you don’t have to worry about cluttering up the hotel bathroom no matter how many people are sharing it. They’re $9 each at Flight 001, 132 Smith St., Cobble Hill, (718) 243-0001.

Beth Hoyt :

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  • omg. i love flight 001 in theory but this is why they are totally going to go out of business. i looked at the pic and though the only way this is reasonable if it is $9 for the set. but no, it's $9 for a tiny itty bitty tube. Yikes! You can get a range of clear travel bottles in all sizes and shapes and functions (jars, bottles, spray bottles, squirty bottles) from Ricky's or even the dollar store. It is way, way, way too expensive to charge $9 for one bottle.

  • hannah, i totally agree with you that $9 is a lot for a travel tube... but i have had so many leaks from cheap plastic ones from ricky's -- and so i think it's one of those investments you don't regret, you know? also, that's why it's a great gift, cause it's not something that you'd necessarily buy yourself...

  • Yes, my first reaction as well was "$9 each?! What's Brokelyn about that?!" I guess they do sound pretty full-featured what with not leaking and everything...but still.

    I picked up a number of travel-size bottles at Muji in the fall. They have a huge selection, the bottles are moderately priced (I recall 2-3 bucks each), and though I admittedly keep my dopp kit in a ziploc bag, I haven't had any leakage problems.