Get that wonky laptop fixed tonight at the Fixers Collective mending session

Broke something? They’ll fix it. via Facebook

Are you in possession of a light that doesn’t light, a chair which can no longer support you, or a MacBook you spilled beer coffee all over? Did you realize that you, yes you, can fix these things? With a little help from our friends at the Fixers Collective, you can repair what you’ve got tonight and in the process spare a landfill some space and your wallet some damage.

The Fixers Collective is a project-in-residence at Proteus Gowanus (543 Union Street), a self-proclaimed “social experiment in improvisational fixing and mending,” which sounds a lot like a jam session with crescent wrenches and Philips-head screwdrivers. They’re holding one of their occasional mending sessions tonight from 7pm to 10pm, which means that for the low, low price of (an optional, but come on) $5, their team of fixing fanatics will offer you advice on how to approach the seemingly tall task of making your broken thing work again. They’ll even lend a mending hand on site if you’re still unsure of your abilities, making the purportedly impossible possible and relieving you of all your reservations (and feeble excuses).

So, for just five bucks, you get to bite into the tree of mechanical knowledge and opt out of our disposable society. Bonus: you get to take home a now-functional souvenir! If this sounds like a good time to you, head on down to

Fixers Collective Mending Session, Proteus Gowanus, 543 Union St, Thursday, Febuary 20, 7pm – 10pm, $5 suggested donation

Isaac Anderson :