Categories: Outings

Prepare for doom with Contagion, and 9 other free things to do this week

If Jude Law talks, you should listen. See Contagion for free this week.

1. The Society for the Advancement of Social Studies will teach you about famous firsts. Not included: a lecture on the time you lost your virginity. Be thankful. (Tuesday)

2. The Crappy Cinema Council tackles sports movies. Maybe they’ll show the video yearbook of the 1992 Mets. (Tuesday)

3. Check out The Usual Suspects at Greenwood Park. Spoiler alert for real life: they’re never white or rich. (Tuesday)

4. Will the comedy be any good? T.B.D. Ahahahaha, we kill us. (Wednesday) Woops: this hasn’t been happening in a while. Sorry!

5. Learn enough about Emily Dickinson and maybe you can replace her as the world’s most famous spinster! (Wednesday)

6. A free public showing of Contagion to celebrate National Preparedness Month being renamed to “National Scare the Shit Out of You Month.” (Thursday)

7. You can learn more about sleep if you like, but here’s the only thing you really need to know about it: you can do it when you’re dead. (Thursday)

8. Go to an art show called “Puss.” If you can keep from puking up your free booze and snacks, you win our eternal respect. (Thursday)

9. Walk around and gawk at some art. If you bring a date, make sure you strike the right tone between appreciative and skeptical while you nod at it. (Thursday)

10. We’re kind of disappointed there’s no arcade for Bob Mould to play his show in. You know, because Zen Arcade? You were born in WHAT year? (Friday)

Listings taken from our Brokelyn events calendar. Add your events today!

David Colon :