1. Our own Sue Smith is going to be at Local Stories, telling a story about something that scared her. She won’t say what, but maybe it was a spider? A really big spider (Monday)
2. The New York Writer’s Coalition is sponsoring two free writer’s workshops. Finally, a place to get some feedback on your short story about Eli Manning, super spy (Tuesday, Thursday)
3. The Society for the Advancement of Social Studies gives you a history of musicals American music. Hopefully they don’t skip Sha Na Na (Tuesday)
4. America-themed trivia at Public Assembly. Think you can win? Complete this sentence: “America is #_” (Tuesday)
5. Give San Francisco’s City Lights publishing a big, Brooklyn welcome at Greenlight Books. No, no, put down the eggs (Wednesday)
6. Fool your date into thinking you’re cultured: bring him to an art opening (Wednesday)
7. Our show and tell event with Krrb got delayed because of Sandy, but we hope we can still draw you in like a moth to a flame. (See what we did there?) (Thursday)
8. Feel like a rich person by going to a charity auction run by our pals at Manufacture New York (Thursday)
9. See some writers talk about their friends. Be ironic and go alone (Thursday)
10. The Moby Dick marathon has its opening night at WORD. Hope you can read and run at the same time (Friday)
11. There won’t be any sexual tension at this party at sex shop Shag. No sir, none at all (Friday)
12. And there won’t be any political tension at this book release for a book about a liberal argument for the Second Amendment. It’ll be smooth like Kenny G (Friday)
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Hey! Just wanted to note that SASS will be covering "The History of American Music", not musicals. Fear not- there will be no mention of Rent!