Make your best mac for the Mac and Cheeze Takedown

Can you make it like this, or better? Prove it at the Bell House. via Flickr user smiteme

There is nothing quite as comforting in this world as mac and cheese (especially when it’s ten goddamn degrees out). Not that shit you get in a box though, ugh, come on now. No, something with real cheese, not powder, something that actually melts all over the pasta and really sits in your stomach like a rock. Can you make something like that? Then the Brooklyn Mac and Cheeze Takedown, coming in March, wants you.

The Mac and Cheeze Takedown, a competition among 25 to 30 people to see who makes Brooklyn’s best mac and cheese, is coming to the Bell House on March 23. But this cooking competition isn’t limited to a bunch of fancy hoity-toity chefs in chefs hats. It’s a competition for the people, so if you think you’ve got the one mac and cheese recipe to rule them all, email chilitakedown [AT] gmail.com, and you might walk away with the cheese crown. It’s a figurative crown, no one just pours melted cheese on your head. And if all you want to do is wander the Bell House and eat all of the mac and cheese, you’re also in luck, because tickets for the Takedown are just $15.

David Colon :