Funny or die: BK underground comedy

We're pretty sure Ben Lerman is posing here.

Here are two things we love: comedy and secrets. Or at least the whiff of secrecy that comes from calling something “underground.” Starting tonight, there are some really unique and hilarious acts coming to Public Assembly as part of the BK Underground Comedy Festival. The mini-series, which starts tonight and runs through Wednesday, features Stacy Mayer’s Funeralogues, the puppet artist Nick Jones‘ “Smart Phone,” Dr. Steam Whipple and the Prescriptions (with “deep roots in southern voodoo and eastern confusion”), and the hilarious and talented Ben Lerman*, tinkling away at his ukelele. Tickets are $10 a night, and you can see all of the shows  here.

*Um, just saying… Ben Lerman will also be peforming this Wednesday at the awesome storytelling show at The Sackett Bar called The NutSackett. Just in case you don’t get enough of him Monday night … or want to see me as well.

Underground Comedy Festival at Public Assembly, 70 N. Sixth St. Williamsburg, 11211, (718) 384-4586, Sunday, Monday & Wednesday at 8 p.m.

Beth Hoyt :