Categories: Outings

Give a Big Terrific farewell, and 17 more free ways to laugh (and cry) this week

Goodbye, sweet comedy prince.
Goodbye, sweet comedy prince.

1. Refine your enemy outwitting/slaying skills as Brooklyn Public Philosophers explain Why Metaphors Make Good Insults. (Monday)

2. Pour it up at this Rihanna reading party at Over the Eight, where you can do literate things between DJ sets. (Monday)

3. Learn about tenants’ rights and preventing landlord harassment with help from Eric Adams at Tenant Protection 101. (Tuesday)

4. Check out the work of artists from the Jewish Folks Arts & Craft Guild at the opening reception of their Brooklyn United the Artists exhibition. (Tuesday)

5. Swing by a reading a Muchmore’s that threatens to unleash the apocalypse when the show’s host reads a mysterious tome written by a cult leader at End Times. (Tuesday)

6. Big Terrific Comedy is finally ending things at Cameo Gallery, but after seven years, you know this big terrific farewell will have some big terrific guests, big terrific surprises and maybe even a few small sad tears. (Wednesday)

7. If your life is together enough for you to be thinking of buying a home, learn how you can finally become landed gentry with Brooklyn Plans. (Wednesday)

8. Have some spectacular “damn nature, you scary” moments at Videology’s Oh My Science comedy show, featuring the best of BBC Natural History Unit. (Wednesday)

9. Do Earth Day right by taking your composting game to the next level with Windsor Terrace Library’s Bokashi Composting Workshop. (Wednesday)

10. Emily Schultz reads from her new novel The Blondes, about a rabies-like plague blonde people start spreading. (Wednesday)

11. Have an animated discussion on how comics have evolved over the last century with some industry experts at Kickstarter. (Wednesday)

12. Congratulate yourself for making it halfway through the week with giggles from Jackknife Comedy at Hank’s Saloon. (Wednesday)

13. We’re all about vintage economic systems, so do some bartering at Stop N Swap and find something new to you. (Thursday)

14. Talk about the Armenian genocide and Turkish assassination plots at a BookCourt reading of Operation Nemesis. (Thursday)

15. The comedy at Pacific Standard is the only reason we’d ever voluntarily be Stuck Between Stations. (Thursday)

16. Go to The Secret Loft Show for the free pizza, stay for the comedy and dancings. (Friday)

17. It’s spring, when a young person’s fancy turns to love, so find it (maybe) at Passenger Bar’s Music Video Makeout Party. (Friday)

18. Or maybe you’re sick of having your heart broken by crap like love. In that case, Diary: The Original Emo Dance Party sounds like it’s something more your speed. Bonus: BYO vinyl means you can bring your heartbreak song of choice! (Friday)

Camille Lawhead :