Free tonight: true tales on tap

So, storytelling is becoming all the rage. The Moth, Risk, Stripped Stories, True Stories at the Tank… if you haven’t heard of all this, it’s like stand-up, but not always funny. There are almost always laughs, though, usually some fascinating twists and turns, and at the end of the story, you might actually—hopefully—take something with you. This is why I love storytelling. I also happen to love The Sackett (661 Sackett St. at Fourth Ave.) which is where I’m now hosting my own free storytelling event, every other Wednesday at 8 p.m. It’s called The NutSackett, and there’s one happening tonight. The theme: revelation, with six awesome stories lined up. Also, since the place is a bar, you get to drink too, and order in some food from nearby places. So, I hope to see you there. I’ll buy you a drink*.

*The stories are all true. This statement is not.

Beth Hoyt :