Naval gazing: Free Sailor Jerry tattoos AND rum all night

If you haven’t noticed over the past year or two, Sailor Jerry rum has been making a big play for the cool-kid Brooklyn market (and if you read the actual bio of the naval tattoo artist known as Sailor Jerry, you might even think they have some claim to it). To really cement your brand loyalty, it’s going big on Tuesday, aka Sailor Jerry Day, the anniversary of the day Jerry died: They’re giving away free “iconic” Sailor Jerry Anchor tattoos at Three Kings all night, followed by a party at Matchless featuring free SJ rum all night. Free tattoos and free booze? what could go wrong?

The tattoos will be free from 10pm-4am at Three Kings, and the party at Matchless across the street will be going on all night. Which of you salty seamen is going?

Tim Donnelly :

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