Categories: Outings

Free outdoor movie alert: Northside SummerScreen Schedule Revealed

Photo via SummerScreen

It ain’t summer if there aren’t some free outdoor films. The Northside SummerScreen will return this July for it’s 13th year and as usual, we are jazzed. This year’s lineup ranges from comedies and cult classics to major fan faves. Plus, the last two weeks include a musical moving screening and a close out to the summer season with an audience pick.

Photo via SummerScreen

As always, the SummerScreen is free. Entrance begins at 6pm, music at 7pm, and the film kicks off at sundown. We’re excited for this July and August. See the line up below.

2018 SummerScreen Line up

July 11: Jawbreaker

July 18: When Harry Met Sally

July 25: Love & Basketball

August 1: Hackers

August 8: Fantastic Mr. Fox

August 15: Die Hard

August 22: Musical Movie

August 29: Audience Choice

Stephanie Valente :