Free (chain) coffee on Wednesday

The new location. Photo via Brownstoner.

We’ll leave it to you to hem and haw about whether the land of Blue Bottle pour-overs and locally packaged cold brew needs another chain coffee joint, and instead just tell you about the free part: the new Seattle’s Best Coffee in Downtown Brooklyn that opened on Thursday is hoping to lure you in with a free small cup of coffee tomorrow (June 27) from 5:30am-11pm. No coupon is required; just walk in and grab your coffee. The new location is at 253 Livingston St. Finally, all the best coffee of the nation’s airports comes to Brooklyn!

The Brooklyn location is featuring the chain’s new “commuter friendly” menu with to-go sandwiches and such. Seattle’s Best is of course owned by Starbucks. So if Starbucks owns Seattle’s Best Coffee, does that mean Starbucks is not Seattle’s best coffee? hm.

Tim Donnelly :