Follow Blue’s clues and Dumpster divers to the Tea Lounge

Tuesdays can also mean booze clues

This month’s lineup of free Tuesday nights at The Tea Lounge features a special holiday guest star: Steve Burns, the original host of Nickelodeon’s Blues Clues! Burns will be appearing as part of the I Like You, Maude story slam Dec. 20. If you’re not sure of why to be excited to hear a story from the former host of a show for toddlers, familiarize yourself with this Burns appearance on The Moth: it’s a tale rich with fake boobs, awkward dates, surprise birthdays and the fickle fame of Nickelodeon. Also this month: a skillshare that follows a collective as it opens a free store, offers free Dumpster diver dinners and answers the question: Can garbage be used to foster community?

Dec. 6: The Laugh Lounge, 8pm
Featured guests will include players from the PIT, UCB, Gotham City Improv, The Magnet and Chicago’s Second City.

Have a gripe to get off your chest? Join in on the Laugh Lounge’s mid-show “Pet Peeve Forum,” which will offer a mic and five minutes for you to tell us what gets your goat.

Dec. 13: Brooklyn Skillshare Presents: Vulture Culture, A Documentary Followed by a Q&A with Director Eric Rockey, 7:30pm
Can garbage be used to foster community? That’s the question anarchist collective In Our Hearts asks in the short documentary Vulture Culture (21 minutes)Collective members create a Free Store and host free community dinners with food rescued from dumpsters, working to create connections between community members in Brooklyn’s legendary Bed-Stuy neighborhood. Their efforts are threatened by the elements and by unknown opponents who try to sabotage their work. Vulture Culture recently had its world premiere at the 2011 DOC NYC film festival!  Click here for more information..

Dec. 20:  I Like You, Maude: StorySLAM with Featured Guest Storyteller Steve Burns, 7:30pm
For having the plums to bare your soul to an audience, every storyteller wins a prize! This month’s guest storyteller is Steve Burns (Former host of Blue’s Clues). Hosted by Kerri Doherty (F’d in Park Slope).

Dec. 27: Fresh Start Comedy, 9pm
Hosts Mike Pomranz (blogger, Tosh.0) and Joe Zimmerman (The Beards of Comedy Tour) promise things will be better than before.  Remember, this is the first show of the rest of your life. Fresh Start comedy has featured comics from Dave Letterman, Comedy Central and VH1.

The Tea Lounge, 837 Union St., Park Slope.

Tim Donnelly :