Sunday: The best book swap ever

bigbooksThe Brooklyn Book Festival: Some might call it the literary event of the season, THE day for Brooklyn’s book-lovers to come out and share the air with the most lauded authors and scribes around. We call it the perfect time to hold a little book festival of our own: the Great Brokelyn Book Swap. Come join Team Brokelyn on Sunday, Sept. 12, when we’ll be getting together at People’s Republic of Brooklyn from 4 to 6 p.m. to swap our favorite books, throw back a few and toast all that’s free. We know how hard it can be to impress the lit professor in your social circle when a “new release” is whatever your neighbor left on their stoop the night before.This is your chance to nab the pricey hardcover, and partake in PRB’s generous drink specials ($10 Coors Light pitchers, $15 premium pitchers and $1 off well drinks).

How will the swap work? You bring a few books you love—up to five, let’s say—and take a few of someone else’s favorites in return. This isn’t the time to unload the three boxes of yellowed pot-boilers you’ve been passing for a living-room coffee table. Share recent bestsellers, Man Booker winners, overlooked classics—anything you’ve been telling random passers-by they HAVE TO read. That’s what we’ll be bringing, and honestly, we need some new titles.

So while other book-lovers are hanging on Salman Rushdie’s every word as he discusses the delights of Goan fish curry and chocolate Ganeshes, you can be there with us, picking up your new fall reading and getting to know the faces behind your favorite BK blog.

The Great Brokelyn Book Swap, Sunday, Sept. 12, 4 to 6 p.m., at People’s Republic of Brooklyn, 247 Smith St. between Douglass St. and Degraw St., Carroll Gardens

Jonathan Berk :

View Comments (4)

  • Don't forget that we will be photographing people with their books when they arrive so no Chicken Soup for the Hamster's Soul!!! The point here is HIGH quality titles. Stuff you want but are cheap to buy, and you can't reliably find at a bookstore.

  • Hey, let's be fair....Chicken Soup for the Hamster's Soul was one of the better ones.