Fight fracking and go to a movie party via MoveOn.org

Movie poster for the first GasLand (via Facebook)

If you signed up for a free Obama button back in 2008, you might have since been inundated with emails from MoveOn.org, a non-profit progressive public advocacy group that sends out a lot of call-for-change petitions. Now that the 2008 election has come and gone, though (and you’re STILL WAITING FOR THAT BUTTON), you’re back to ignoring the three thousand emails soliciting you for donations — but it turns out there might be something cool in your mailbox, because MoveOn is asking members to host a free movie screening of anti-fracking film  Gasland Part II. HBO party, y’all!

The Josh Fox-directed documentary premieres on HBO on July 14, and Fox has teamed up with MoveOn to help spearhead grassroots viewing parties all over the country. All you have to do is volunteer your apartment, provided you have an HBO subscription, and MoveOn will match you up with other members, give you special screening materials and the anti-fracking party will be on. If you don’t have HBO, they’ll send you to someone’s house who does, so free HBO for a night! Best of all, post-film all the partygoers will be able to take part in a briefing with Fox to discuss the effects of fracking and how we can fight it here in New York State.

Right now, it looks like there are viewing parties scheduled in Crown Heights, Brooklyn Heights and Park Slope, so you can either join one of those or volunteer to host your own. The film premieres next Sunday; check out the first GasLand installment for an in-depth look at hydro-fracking and its dangers. Get in good with your hosts and maybe you can watch more movies on their premium cable after this one.

Rebecca Fishbein :