Eat your way through one frugal foodist’s Brooklyn

Picture 20As much as we try to bring you everything you need for the low-budget Brooklyn life, we have to admit, we’re not the only helpful brokesters in town. So we discovered while reading our weekly Yelp email, and there was one Broke in Brooklyn, a.k.a Kyle Huebbe, a real estate agent, former chef and, incidentally, Brooklyn burger king (here he is competing) who’s something of a self-appointed expert on all that is cheap and excellent in our borough. This includes the pork-and-leek dumplings $2 for eight at Kai Feng Fu, Mexican food at Tacos Matamoros nearby, and cheap beer and a BBQ at the Brooklyn Ice House in Red Hook. For pizza, it’s strictly San Remo on Cortelyou Road, where, as he puts it, there’s a “bunch of old neighborhood guys, making pizza.” Tell it, bro. Check out Kyle’s other favorites here.

Jonathan Berk :