Categories: Events

Eat Chipotle in the name of the Brooklyn Public Library next Wednesday

If it’s not the former McDonald’s affiliation, hepatitis, salmonella, E. coli and norovirus outbreaks or data breaches, then you likely (hopefully?) feel some amount of guilt eating at Chipotle due to the general problems with giving your hard earned dollars to an international chain restaurant which probably took the place of a local business which used to exist in your neighborhood. We’re not shaming Chipotle lovers – a little fast casual dining here and there doesn’t usually result in your hospitalization due to foodborne pathogens – but eating there doesn’t tend to result in feelings of moral satisfaction or that you’ve done your ethical duty.

Now that can all change: Wednesday, October 18, Chipotle is giving patrons the opportunity to consume burritos in the name of public libraries. From 10:45am to 10pm next week, every Chipotle in Brooklyn will donate 50% of your meal’s proceeds to the Brooklyn Public Library if you remember to tell you cashier and show them the above flyer on your phone (or you could technically print it). Seems like Chipotle is forcing custies to put in a dumb amount of added effort, emphasizing the flyer and having to remember to mention it, but those are the rules. Specifically, your money will be going to cultural offerings, literacy, out-of-school-time services, workforce development programs, and digital literacy for Brooklyn residents.

So go, friend, and eat a burrito bowl in the name of the children. (Notably, though, it would be rude for you to eat the burrito bowl IN the library itself.) Or also you could just give your money to the BPL directly and then go grab lunch somewhere local.

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Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.