Volunteer opp: Dumbo arts fest, up close and personal

This happened at last year's fest. soo that looks pretty fun

Before you know it September will be here and you’ll start to feel guilty again for lazing away the season at all those free movies or guzzling cheap beers at outdoor shows. Whatever it is about the chilled air that makes you feel like you should be doing something smart-ly with your time, here’s your chance to get a head start: the Dumbo Arts Festival is looking for volunteers to help set up and staff its three-day, 100-studio, 500-artist event Sept. 23-25. They need people between Sept. 16-22 plus during the fest itself. Activities include assisting artists with installation, guiding attendees through and between the exhibits, lending a hand at the performance stage, helping at the kids’ creation station and doing whatever those Flaming-Lips-esque balls in that picture entail.

Tim Donnelly :