Semper fido: there’s a dog training workshop specifically for rescues

Re-vamp your rescue. Via wikimedia

Of course we love rescue dogs with their loving gratitude, missing fur patches, mysterious scars and little bits clipped from their ears. They’re not only cheaper and more sustainable than the breeder kind, they’re… more interesting. But sometimes those built-in quirks can be a challenge, like when they refuse to poop anywhere but your bedroom floor or snarl at anyone with a black hat on. Who knows why? If you’re a recent rescue dog owner and want to begin rewiring your newly saved canine, this seminar is for you. Join professional dog trainers and other rescue owners at Empire of the Dog from 7:00-9:00pm this Wednesday. This is a humans only seminar where you will discuss topics like how to build confidence and security; managing an overly attached dog; remedial house training for re-homed pets; and using family friendly training methods to teach new and modify old behavior. Then ask you RSVP in advance; you can do so here.


Allison Brown :

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  • I find it is a lot difficult to adopt a dog especially after they suffered from too much abuse as a puppy. I remembered visiting a dog facility and saw this recluse dog withdrawn to the corner. I asked the workers and learned that the dog was constantly whipped and kicked by its previous owners. I tried to get near the dog but she almost instantly cried as I approached - very heartbreaking!