What is Brooklyn love? Is it some near-impossible fantasy ideal? Or is it something else entirely, something a few roses shy of ideal? Whatever our borough’s own brand of love is or isn’t, it’s going to be the subject of Brooklyn Kinda Love, an upcoming documentary (read: reality show?) searching for a few game Brooklyn couples to be its stars. We don’t know all the details, but the show’s being produced by some of the folks behind HBO’s Taxicab Confessions, and the call’s out for “Brooklyn couples, ages 18-35, to follow their real lives for a new documentary series.” That was about all from the cartoonishly-cryptic postcard in our mailbox. So we called to “apply” and learn a bit more.
We called… and learned the name of the show (it was nowhere on the card), and that it will follow four to six Brooklyn couples over four months, filming all the “ups and downs” of their relationships—the “personal side,” interaction with relatives and friends—the whole deal. Coverage won’t be around-the-clock, but a film crew will be in and out for four or five days a week.
Casting is open to all ethnic groups, ages (between 18 and 35 that is) and sexual orientations. The first step is a 10-minute phone interview, then, assuming you’re Brooklyn-enough, in-person meetings will follow (we suggest wearing these to the interviews). Finally, those selected for the show will get paid… some currently undisclosed amount.
So, that’s Brooklyn Kinda Love—an HBO-producers-produced documentary looking to spend some serious together-time with the quintessentially-Brooklyn you and yours. What else are they looking for? We don’t know, but maybe you’ve got it. Call 877-402-2278 to apply.