Tonight: Get down and dirty with free dive comedy

Drowning your sorrows over Steve Jobs? Need a break from protesting Wall Street’s failure to provide you with adequate freelance work? No pre-Yom Kippur blowout plans? If you’re looking to add a little levity to these dark times, head to Hank’s Saloon (that bar with flames on the side) on Atlantic Avenue for Dive Comedy Nite, a free stand-up show hosted by Ron Boling in his “Let’s Get Pregnant With Comedy” debut. Watch some of Brooklyn’s finest talent, including Brokelyn’s own Beth Hoyt (Big Effing Deal, Shut-Up Beth) and me (Andrew Linderman) and the ever-entertaining Greg Barris (Heart of Darkness), wax on myriad of hilarious topics. The show starts at 8:30, but get there early because the first 30 people to show up get free T-shirts!

Andrew Linderman :