Hey, remember how when we were talking about the Brooklyn Historical Society program of talks about Brooklyn and fire, and we said that fire is both man’s friend and enemy? Well, screw that thing about fire being our friend, because a lousy goddamn fire has just gutted the 773 Lounge, the bar we called the second best dive in Brooklyn, and the reigning number one since Jackie’s Fifth Amendment threw in the towel. We demand the government start a war on fire on every front.
The news comes courtesy of Ditmas Park Corner, who has a ton of pictures of today’s carnage, the result of an all-hands fire that took 60 firefighters to extinguish. The good news is that no one was hurt, but the bad news is that the fire which apparently started in the bar’s kitchen area, has essentially gutted the place. Ditmas Park Corner talked to one of the owners, Margaret Cain, who promised the site that the owners will rebuild the 773 Lounge and come back better than ever. Although we’d be happy if if came back the same as it was before, the kind of place where people will talk about how they still hate fucking Dave Kingman while drinking cheap beer. Check out all the pictures from Ditmas Park Corner, which also promises updates if there’s anything you can do to help 773 Lounge’s owners.