Categories: News

Finally, some data on whether your subway station is the grossest in the city

Just your average day on the subway tracks. Photo by David Colon

As you’d expect from an underground teeming mass of humanity that runs 24/7/365, the subways have a tendency to get a little gross. You might wonder if anyone actually puts forward the effort to clean the stations, and the answer according to WNYC, is there someone is supposed to be doing that. The MTA, according to their own goals, is supposed to clean the subway tracks 17 times per year, but WNYC took a look at how many stations where that goal is met, and the answer, unsurprisingly is not very many.

Cleaning subway track trash is important of course, because while it sometimes can lead to existential rat fights going down, it also causes track fires and that just makes everyone miserable, not existential. So great news that the tracks are never cleaned, we guess! WNYC got their data, which confirms your belief that no one is cleaning the damn subway tracks, from a report that Comptroller Scott Stringer released earlier this year.

The data in the report showed that only 7 underground stations got at least 17 visits from a cleaning crew between July 2013 and July 2014, and that a plurality of stations only got cleaned only 3 times in that one year stretch. You can see how the nearest subway stations by you fared as far as track cleanup, and while it’s nice that Brooklyn didn’t have any stations that were cleaned zero times, there are 7 that were only cleaned once.

David Colon :