DailyCandy says ‘the revolution will be accessorized!’

This is what fashionocracy looks like.

Occupiers of Wall Street, Oakland, Boston, the World, it’s time to head home: your demands have been heard. No, not necessarily by governments, or the 1 percent, but by the deal-hunting site DailyCandy. They may not have read your signs, or seen Alan Grayson’s summary of the reasons for your discontent, but by God, they’ve seen what you’ve been wearing for the last month.

That’s right: Daily Candy has allied itself with the 99 percent … who want to wear top designer brands, but just can’t afford to because the Man has Uncle Sam in his pocket.

In today’s email blast, headlined “Occupy these clothes and accessories,” DailyCandy editors declare themselves to be “the 99 percent who can’t afford the labels we covet and refuse to settle for sample sales.”  In the post, which is about a new shopping site, they proudly claim their — nay, everyone’s — right to “get up, stand up” to “wear high-quality, budget-friendly pieces by shopping Everlane, the egalitarian, online-only wardrobe solution where everything costs less than a Benjamin.” (That’s $100, not some fancy rich person form of currency, fyi).

Commenters wonder if DailyCandy checked the labor practices of the company before aligning it with a revolution. But it’s a much needed break from all this frumpy talk about corporations ruining the American economy with zero repercussions. Because let’s face it: only Gandhi and maybe three other people can pull off the robe look at a protest without a brooch or two.

Follow Eric: @primesilver.

Eric Silver :