Da-dum… da-dum… Grab your chums for this Shark Week party

Beware of snark-infested waters.

Here at Brokelyn, every week is snark week, hence our natural a-fin-ity for Shark Week. Well, that and jaw-some slo-mo footage of toothsome maneaters lurking below the surface stalking a surfer snack. Alas many of us are lost at sea without cable and adrift from Discovery Channel’s annual ratings feeding frenzy. You can get your free Great White fix with fellow a-fish-ionados and fin-atics at The Bell House on Thursday, for a special Shark Week edition of the Secret Science Club. Not only do you get the usual sweet science-y talk, but the club is also premiering Great White Highway, a documentary debuting during Shark Week!

This installment of the monthly Secret Science Club features marine biologist Hans Walters of the New York Aquarium who will dive into the wet-and-wild details of his work tagging and tracking sharks. After he’s done explaining why it is, in fact, better down where it’s wetter, there will be a live-screening of the premier of Great White Highway, a documentary that follows marine scientists as they pursue the mysterious migrations of great white sharks.

To help you get chummy in shark infested waters, Bell House casts the additional bait of special Land Shark cocktails and fin-tastic grooves. Sounds like it’ll be off the hook.

Before diving in, be sure to review this handy guide to avoiding falling prey to dating sharks. I’m done now. Fin-ished. Sorry I couldn’t resist the puns. I’m up to my gills in them. Ugh.

Follow Rachel, aka Rae-mora: @Raeinbk

Rachel DeLetto :