Categories: Careers

Cyber-warriors, Uncle Sam wants you

It’s not every day you get asked to hack for the good of your country. NY State is inviting programmers, hackers (shh!) and other computer geeks to enter the Security Treasure Hunt Challenge, an online competition where New Yorkers can show off their cyber-security skills and, eventually, help the country stave off cyber-terrorist threats. The test puts competitors in front of a “pseudo-vulnerable application,” for which they’ll have to identify security flaws and answer other general security-related questions. The top scorers will win an all-expenses-paid spot at a week-long Cyber Camp (and job fair) this July in NYC.

The treasure hunt is part of the U.S. Cyber Challenge program, designed to identify and train the country’s cyber-best and brightest whose “skills can be of the greatest value to the nation.” Competition ends May 20. Register and learn more here.

via CityPragmatist

Jonathan Berk :