Cyber Monday deal alert: 25% off everything at 3rd Ward!

[sponsored_by name=”3rd Ward” url=”http://www.3rdward.com/jx” logo=”https://brokelyn.com/app/uploads/2012/11/3rdWard120x60.png” byline=”3rd Ward is a multidisciplinary workspace & education center in Brooklyn, NY. Work. Learn. Make”]

It’s Cyber Monday and the pants-free virtual mall has deals on much more than just giant flat screen TVs and iProducts. Here’s a special offer from local DIY incubator, artistic co-working utopia and alterna-learning hub 3rd Ward. Today only, you can be a muse for your loved ones to get creative and learn something new this holiday season with a special promo-code for 25 percent off all 3rd Ward offerings site-wide.

Your roommate got a fancy new DSLR camera for her birthday and only shoots on auto settings (the horror!) — expose her to the possibilities with a digital camera intro course. Your brother’s IKEA coffee table has been wobbling precariously on three legs and a stack of old magazines for the better part of a decade — help him get handy with an intro to woodworking class. Your boyfriend is a bike-aholic — send him to a support group of likeminded enthusiasts while building a badass bike light.

For the artists and makers and lifetime learners in your life who need a bit of a push, a Basic Membership is a good way to get started at 3rd Ward. Basic members get discounts on classes, events, lectures and workshops and get access to members only programming and other  perks. Gift certificates are a great idea for anyone on your list as 3rd Ward has classes for everybody that’s interested in learning something new or exercising latent artistic energy.

If you don’t give holiday gifts, celebrate another great year of being your totally awesome self by learning how to Photoshop your Facebook photos or build hats worthy of Kate Middelton on derby day.

The 25 percent discount is available site-wide TODAY ONLY, Monday  Nov. 26, and will expire at 11:59pm tonight.Enter Cyber Monday Promo Code: FUNDAY at checkout to claim the deal.Also, for even more DIY artistic gifts and stocking stuffers, mark your calendar for the sixth annual 3rd Ward Handmade Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday December 15, 12-6pm.
Promotions Dept. :