Categories: Careers

Curbed needs a social media editor

Quick, tweet something interesting about this building. via Facebook

Do you spend your days reading about New York City real estate, even though you’ll never live in a $20,000/month penthouse? Can you tweet things about said penthouse that are engaging without trying to incite class warfare? Well, you’ve got restraint, and you also might have a job in your future, because Curbed is looking for a social media editor, so as long you tweet things in a grammatically correct fashion, shoot your resume over.

As the social media editor, you’ll be responsible for running Curbed’s social media strategy across all of their platforms, so that means you need Pinterest and Instagram skills along with mastering Facebook and Twitter. Oh, and Google+ (good luck with that one). You’ll be the one who has to drive traffic for posts and make them viral, but you can’t just keep doing Upworthy-style headlines, because then everyone will hate you. The job doesn’t have a specific number of years required as experience, but they do want you to be able to prove you can social media like a boss and that you’re familiar with social media metrics and analytics. So, beyond things like “number of followers.”

Curbed is part of the Vox Media empire, which you might know as “that media company with all of the money,” so if you’re going to work for the internet, it’s not a bad place to land. Along with a decent salary, benefits and getting to say “No, I don’t work in an office with Matt Yglesias,” we understand that there are lots of snacks in the office. As people without an office, and therefore people who have to provide our own snacks, that is definitely an enticing reason to want to work there.

David Colon :