Categories: Careers

Crossing guard jobs are available for people who know how to look both ways

Follow in the footsteps of Frank Gulcher and help kids cross safely

Do you know how to cross the street? A simple question, yes, but some people just amble off the curb seemingly believing divine protection will keep them from getting whacked. This post is not for you. As for the rest of you, if you’re looking for a part-time job with benefits and a sense of community service, you can’t do much better than a job as a crossing guard. And Sheepshead Bites points out that there are almost 100 of them up for grabs.

According to the info that Sheepshead Bites got, the job sounds pretty sweet. Not only do you get to be an upstanding pillar of the community by protecting children, who are our future, but you make more than minimum wage ($9.88 per hour) and can enroll in the city healthcare program if you work 20 hours per week. Schedules generally will have you working from 7am to 9:30am and 1pm to 4:30pm on weekdays, and you’ll never work more than 25 hours per week.

Honestly, if you’re a freelancer looking to pick up a little extra cash, this sounds like it can be a good opportunity. Of course, you’d have to take it seriously, and also pass a character investigation. If you can do those things though, get out there and get one of the jobs while they’re still available. You can either grab an application here or swing by your local precinct and see if they need anyone who’ll uphold The Law of the Crosswalk.

David Colon :