Craigslist freebie of the day: antique piano, TLC required

A random Meister piano

Today on the free list: one big-ticket item that’s a steal if you’re ready to take it on. An upright Meister piano is available in Carroll Gardens. The Craigslist poster says the turn-of-the-(20th)century instrument is “very striking in a charming, antique/vintage style. It’s really lovely to look at, although it needs some work.” Yep, some work would be expected of a 100-year-old free piano. Its listed needs include random key-replacement, hing-replacement and some aesthetic surface repair. But the poster says it “could clean up nicely.” Seriously, though, if you’re in the market for a piano and willing to put in the work, the price can’t be beat. Also, be prepared for a heavy-duty moving operation. Full ad here.

Jonathan Berk :