Categories: News

Coming soon: way more library hours!

Walt Whitman library, now open longer. Photo by Flickr's Paul Lowry

It seems like all the news about our public libraries is negative these days, so here’s something to brighten up your fall: Beginning Sept. 10, Brooklyn Public Library locations will be expanding their hours and adding days. More than half of the libraries will be open six days a week, and the library is increasing average weekly hours by more than eight hours per library. For example, the Brooklyn Heights library will now be open from 10am-8pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, instead of opening at 1pm; while the library over in Clinton Hill will now be open Mondays from 10-6 instead of being closed. Each branch is different so check the full list here. Don’t forget: your library doubles as a sweet-ass discount card too!

Tim Donnelly :