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Come on down: The Price is Right is holding auditions in NY tomorrow!

If Snoop can do it, so can you.

Remember as a kid stuck at home sick in bed, watching The Price is Right, and those familiar words rang out in Rod Roddy’s avuncular tenor: “If you are in the Los Angeles area and want to be a contestant on the Price is Right…”? Your child-mind would start cranking out elaborate schemes to trick your parents into 1. flying to southern California; 2. somehow walking close by the game show studio, and 3. entering and allowing you to become the next contestant. Well, let us be the first to welcome you to come on down, because The Price is Right is auditioning in New York tomorrow!

According to Gothamist, two contestants from every major media market are going to be flown for free to California to sit in the studio audience, and one from each pair is guaranteed to get the big call to “come on down!”

All you need to do is go to Yonkers, (yeah, yeah, we know) and audition for the part. But if you get it, just make sure you don’t do too well, or Drew Carey will be very disappointed. The auditions are at the Empire City Casino Yonkers Raceway, 810 Yonkers Ave., from noon to 3pm.

Follow Conal as he tries to guess the prices of everyday beers: @conaldarcy.

Conal Darcy :

View Comments (2)

  • Have been a fan/ viewer of the show as a kid. Watchn price is right. Mr.Bob Barker with great-gramma. Still Luv It !!

  • I'm a huge price is right fan! I would love to audition for a chance to be a contestant but I have a mobility issue due to back surgery, do the show descrimanates against such contestants? If not I would love to be on.