There is a war going on, no not the one overseas and no, not the war on drugs, this war is much more disgusting; we’re talking about the war on bed bugs. After a peaceful few decades bed bug free, the city has been invaded by tiny little creatures that hide in your bed, bite you constantly and don’t even have the consideration to pay rent, or ask if biting is your thing. They have infested our homes and our trains; one brave soul is trying to find a solution to the bed bug problem, allowing herself to be bitten 18,000 times. Friday at the Brooklyn Brainery in Prospect Heights, come hear stories of how bed bugs have taken over everything from our bedrooms to the rock opera, as they host a reading, talk and Q&A with Brooke Borel, author of “Infested: How Bed Bugs Infiltrated our Bedrooms and Took Over the World.”
Borel will go into detail of the history of the bed bug, how different cultures view the blood sucking creature and how scientists are creating bed bug colonies (which may doom us all if they ever get out). Her book may want you to learn to live and respect the creatures that hide in the smallest place possible waiting for you to sleep, or it may want you to go out and kill them all. We’re hoping for the latter, but if you’re undecided, there will be free booze and snacks, something that would make even those who can’t even hear the word bed bug without their skin crawling head to listen to someone talk about it. If you want to scratch your itch for knowledge, it all goes down at the Brainery from 6:30pm to 8pm on Friday, June 12.
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