Categories: Newstech

Cell-f help: BK parks getting solar-powered phone chargers

Nice view. via New York Observer

We’ve all presumably been there: you’re supposed to meet friends somewhere that doesn’t have outlets, and your phone battery is making its final stand. Then it dies and you and your friend spend the next 40 minutes trying to find each other. There’s got to be a better way! AT&T is trying to make sure there is now, with a series of free solar-powered phone charging stations in few New York parks, including four Brooklyn parks, according to the Observer.

The best part about these phone chargers? Well, aside from the fact that they’ll be free to use. It’s that they don’t just work on iPhones, they work on spacephones of all stripes. So now you don’t need to be completely neurotic about having your cellphone charged to full before leaving the apartment, like some of us who own [BRAND REDACTED] phones. You can find them at the following parks:

Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier I
Fort Greene Park
Coney Island
Metrotech Plaza

David Colon :