Category: Worth the trip to Manhattan

Free food, free drinks at Veselka’s 60th birthday on Monday

Birthday parties are the best, except for the whole having to choose a gift or, even worse, split a check…

The Week in Broketown, 10/20 – 10/24

Like us in website form? Then you’ll love us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest -The Brooklyn Museum and the AP were waiting to hire you -Though…

Free beer and fancy food is waiting for you Saturday at the Bedford + Bowery Bazaar

Here's the thing about Brooklyn's innumerable flea markets, from the very twee to the very not twee at all: sometimes…

Get an $8 cartoon tattoo at the Crazy 8 Cartoon Festival on Saturday

Hey dudes, do you know what every girl loves? A bad boy that's in touch with his sensitive side. Well…

SoHo artist will give you all the free sugary crap cereal you want, you child

When you were a kid, going down the cereal aisle in the grocery store was most likely the worst part…

Saturday, see Ludlow and Rivington become (an unofficial) Beastie Boys Square

The Beastie Boys have about as solid a musical legacy in New York City as anyone, and while MCA has…

Get 50% off tix to veganism conversion event The Seed

You may have escaped Scientology, but the vegans are here, and they’re actively recruiting. The Seed is coming to town on Saturday,…

Veselka bringing their menu back to 1954 prices!

[UPDATE: It's happening! Wednesday, July 23 from 6pm to 6:54pm, per Veselka's Twitter account] Keep some change in your pocket after…

Get free admission to Fifth Ave museums at the Museum Mile Festival

After your day of work in the city is done, you might be thinking of running back home to Brooklyn…

Summer Wednesdays mean five-cent cocktails at BFB Highline

If you've ever reminisced on the days when you could buy a cocktail with some spare change (or wait, maybe…